Thursday, April 7, 2016

Cherish Is the Word

"Cherish All Your Blessings"
       Jacob Alan Binder, our grandson, was given a name and blessing on February 14, 2016. The phrase that really stuck out to me was when his father, Jeff told him to " cherish all your blessings. " That has given me a lot to contemplate!
       I love the word cherish ! Years ago, the Lettermen came out with a song called "Cherish."  The tune and the harmony were so perfect that I loved it even though the storyline was sad. It starts out saying how much a boy cherishes a girl. Then it says that he knows that she will never love him back. That does not change the fact that he still loves and cherishes her. That song gave me the hope and dream of finding someone who would feel that way about me, only I was going to be smart enough to cherish him right back!
       What does cherish mean? To me, it means that you love and adore, that something is so important to you that it makes your life beautiful and worthwhile. It makes your life feel complete and whole!
This morning I woke up before Alan did. I laid in bed, and thought about the blessings that I cherish the most in my life. I have thought about them many times since February 14th, but today I want to do more than think.  I want to write about them!
       * I cherish Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  I love knowing that They love and care about someone as ordinary and average as me.  I am so thankful for the life that Jesus lived, the sacrifice He made, the Atonement He performed, and the miraculous Resurrection that followed.  I truly appreciate the hope, peace, and purpose that I enjoy in my own life because of Him.
       * I cherish Alan. I grew up having such dreams about falling in love and getting married. Alan has made those dreams come true. I have been amazed as my dreams have become his dreams. He has helped me in everything I have tried to do. He has made my family his family, the important family traditions that I grew up celebrating have remained part of our lives, and he has always treated me like I matter. I love and treasure Alan.
       * I cherish the children that have been sent to our family. I remember feeling so tired and sick when I was pregnant the first time. I called my mother and asked her how she went through being pregnant eleven times. (I am the ninth of twelve children, but I was a bonus because I am a twin.:) ) My mother's answer was so sweet. She said, " You hold that baby in your arms one time, and you will never ask that question again." She was right! Our children have taught me so much. They have brought incredible joy into my life!
       * I cherish the family that I was born into. My mother is one of my favorite success stories! She knew how to do so many things right. I also love and appreciate my siblings. They have been some of my dearest friends.
       * I cherish prayers and the precious people who have offered prayers in my behalf! Those prayers have literally carried me through this ALS trial! If you are reading this, and you are one of the angels who have prayed for my family and me, please know that we appreciate you with every inch of our hearts! We cannot thank you enough.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Rebecca and cherish the amazing example you have always been in my life. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words.
