Monday, December 22, 2014


It has been awhile since this blog has been updated. That's because we've been far too busy having fun to worry about blogging. 

My parents had Thanksgiving at their house this year and then drove to St George the next day. We had a lot of fun hanging out with new baby Olivia and the rest of the family. I have pictures on my camera that I will have to post later when I'm on my computer instead of my cell phone. 

The week of December 8 Jeff had to go out if town for work, so baby Jeffery and I made the trek up to Kaysville to spend a week with the family. It turned out to be good timing as my dad had Tabernacle Choir practices/concerts every night that week so J and I had fun spending time with my mom. We celebrated my birthday and Friday night we all went to see the MoTab Christmas concert. It was a lot of fun. 

We are looking forward to Christmas this week. It will be a lot of fun to spend time together as a family. 

As far as my mom's health goes, her ALS is progressing more quickly than we would like. It's gotten more challenging for my dad and Emily to get her around as she is continually losing her strength. She has had a few falls as she's tried to transfer, but thankfully she hasn't been injured. Her hands are getting weaker as well. Even with all of that, my mom is remaining positive. I admire her attitide and the lessons she is learning from this trial. 

We will post more next week after the Christmas craziness is over. Thanks for everyone's never ending support. Merry Christmas!